Fox Flight is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of medical care for both our air ambulance and commercial escort clients. Fox Flight’s medical staff includes fully licensed and experienced physicians, registered nurses and respiratory therapists, and the medical personnel for each air ambulance flight or commercial medical escort are chosen to match the specific needs of the individual patient.

Our Services
Fox Flight takes care of all the transport details, from arranging the necessary medical and Customs clearances to working with airline staff to provide essential medical equipment.
Air Ambulance Services
Each year, hundreds of critically ill and injured patients rely on Fox Flight for reliable and safe medical transport home from wherever they are in the world. Each Fox Flight air ambulance is staffed with two pilots and two medical personnel chosen to meet the specific needs of the individual patient. Our specially configured Learjet 40XR aircraft are equipped with the latest in advanced medical technology, including:
• Zoll X Series Monitor / Pacer / Defibrillator
• ALS medication and equipment
• Mini Med IV pumps
• Ventilator and iStat monitors
Medical Escort Services
When patients can be transferred on commercial aircraft, either seated or on a stretcher, Fox Flight provides the right medical escort to accompany them. All of our certified medical escorts are equipped with Inogen One (G2) Concentrators and Advanced Life Support (ALS) medications and equipment. Fox Flight dispatch staff members also have extensive experience working with commercial airlines to arrange medical clearances, provide necessary equipment and finalize travel details.
Commercial Stretcher Services
For those times when a patient needs to remain lying flat during transport, Fox Flight offers private, commercial stretchers to fit any flight configuration. Our medical escorts sit beside the stretcher to provide comfort and constant patient monitoring.